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EDI Insights With #RaiseTheGame - Games Industry Events & Safe Spaces

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With the steady increase of academic and research work being done around EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion), this creates more data and evidence for games companies to use to support themselves embed best practices, reflect on their culture, and overall support the games industry to be more inclusive.

However, like any project visibility and reaching audiences can always be a challenge, especially those in academia who don't have massive marketing budgets. Which is why we here in the #RaiseTheGame team are proud to facilitate a new series called EDI Insights with #RaiseTheGame.

With our expanding network and connections, we saw opportunity to spotlight some of the great research work being done, speak to the people behind such projects and have open discussions with industry professionals not only about the applications of use around such research but all things EDI related as well!

The second session that will be online and livestreamed, where we are joined by the researchers behind Organising Inclusive Informal Events In The Games Industry Report & Best Practice Guide.

After a quick introduction, Carolina Rueda (Video Games Researcher) will present highlights of the findings from the report, where once done we're move onto a panel session chaired by Anna Ozimek (Digital Cultures and Digital Media Industries Researcher) to discuss the wider aspects of the research with some amazing industry professionals including:

How To Get Involved?

We'll be LIVESTREAMING across multiple platforms such as:

We want to ensure as many people can access and tune in as possible. There will be opportunity for the audience to ask questions too.

By signing-up you'll get reminder emails before the online event begins and links to resources mentioned during the stream after the event; so we recommend you sign-up!

Please note: If you are in need of closed captions, we recommend using YouTube . If there are any other accessibility concerns you may have please reach out!

Need More Details?

If you have any enquiries about the event, please contact Dom Shaw, EDI Coordinator at Ukie via dom@ukie.org.uk.

More about #RaiseTheGame

The #RaiseTheGame pledge is a holistic driven initiative managed and facilitated by Ukie aimed at helping the overall UK games industry grow and improve in all areas of equality, diversity and inclusivity (EDI). From guidance and practical advice to engagement activities like events both online and in-person, the pledge is a call to action to rally the sector together and become lead examples of inclusion to other industries.

Though the pledge is managed by Ukie, any games industry company can apply to sign-up and be involved in activities surrounding the pledge, all that is asked is a strong commitment to make a positive impact, the time to listen and consider along with the effort to implement such change. Even if you’re at the start of your journey or think your company too small to make a difference - all companies no matter their size or where they are in their equality, diversity & inclusion journey are welcome.

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