The Ukie Hub Crawl is an essential series of events for those looking to broaden their knowledge or deepen their understanding of the key opportunities within the games industry. In 2022, the Hub Crawl will feature an array of expert speakers sharing their insight around key issues including the latest technology, staff recruitment and retention, access to finance and reaching your all-important consumers.
The twelve date series will commence in January with 8 virtual events taking place on a Tuesday afternoon. With one event a week and with fresh speakers every time we hope this becomes a key part of your weekly schedule. We will follow the virtual events with a series of physical meet ups in April.
All events within Hub Crawl 22 are free to attend thanks to our amazing partners Barclays Bank and Amazon.
All virtual events will be webinars on Zoom. Asll registered attendees will be sent a link in advance of the event and will be sent all appropriate slides after the event has concluded. Video recordings will also be available.
This event, Games Staff of the Future, will feature speakers sharing experience and expertise on how you can find high quality UK based staff from a variety of backgrounds and sources as well as the options around employing people located outside the UK.
Speaker list TBC.
Check out our other events in the Hub Crawl 22 - here.