Creating internships and mentoring programmes can be a challenge.
To make programmes that gives new talent meaningful taster experiences of a job, company and/or an industry within a short amount of time, that also presents potential opportunity of employment for such talent while allowing a company the chance to grow and develop it's own employees through supporting the upskilling of others can be difficult for any organisation, especially small companies with reduced resources readily available.
However that's not to say it 's not impossible to achieve!
One company who has taken on interns and successful run their own mentoring programme is AudioMob, who pride themselves on cultivating and nurturing talent through intern and mentoring opportunities due to the founders of the company own experiences of having been mentored, and experiencing first hand the positive impact it can have. Many mentees of their programme have either joined the company itself or move onto bigger companies like Google after getting involved.
That why #RaiseTheGame are pleased to be spend lunchtime on Friday 19 November between 12:00 to 13:00 GMT with Wilfrid and Charlotte-Ambar of AudioMob to discuss:
- How do create intern and mentoring opportunities within your company.
- What processes need to be in place and top tips around best practices once you started (Both from the perspective of senior management and someone who has gone through the process).
- How to onboard talent effective and inclusively within a short span of time.
- How do you maintain such opportunities so they are sustainable, effective and inclusive for everyone involved.
There also be time for audience Q&A, so if you have burning questions around the subject matter you'll be able to ask!