This event is from Ukie media partner Mediatel.
The value of the gaming industry is gargantuan, outranking most forms of entertainment. The industry is estimated to be worth an enormous $159.3 billion, with an audience of 2.7bn global gamers playing. It’s no surprise that excitement about gaming, esports and digital entertainment has reached fever pitch in the media industry, especially with homebound consumers relying on the entertainment during a tough year.
Culture and technology have collided to create a perfect storm, intriguing an even wider and more diverse audience to gaming, e-sports and digital entertainment. Yet whilst the opportunities proliferate across these new entertainment platforms, how do brands and agencies effectively engage with these audiences?
In this brand-new launch event from Mediatel Events, brands and agencies who are investing or want to invest in gaming and esports will come together to explore the vast opportunities available.
Ukie's very own George Osborn, Head of Campaigns and Communications, will be speaking at the event, so don't miss out!
At The Future of Gaming, we’ll unlock the jargon, bust the myths and give you a 1UP on your competitors, to make sure that you don’t get stuck on the loading screen.
Ukie members get 25% off with the code 20OFF-L4CA5.