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Training: The Fundamentals of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) - in partnership with Voice At The Table

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EDI is on the agenda of every organisation, so much so that there is an assumption that most people are intimately familiar with the topic. Naturally, then, it’s easy to feel that we should know more about it than we actually do.

If you have questions about the basics of EDI, or if you have thought about it and, upon reflection, want further clarification on some of the key concepts and preconceptions of EDI, this session is for you.

In this session, we answer questions such as What are microaggressions? If Unconscious Bias is so normal, why do we need to mitigate it? What’s the difference between Diversity, Inclusion, Equality, Equity and Belonging? What precisely is privilege?

We cover 10 key concepts – the fundamentals – of EDI, look at the 8 Inclusive Behaviours© that help us become more inclusive and take a closer look at the most impactful EDI initiatives.

By the end of the session, you will:

  • be better versed on the subject of EDI
  • better understand what gets in the way of being truly inclusive of everyone
  • learn what initiatives really work to move the needle on Inclusion

If you want to become a more impactful participant in the EDI conversation, be sure to come along!

Ukie members receive a £20 discount from the total price with this discount code:  UKIEMEMBER20.

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