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Ansible PR & Communications

  • The Ansible Promise:

    1. Your communication strategy, not your budget, is our No. 1 concern. All of our work with clients starts with a conversation about what communications you need to tell your story. Plotting out the right strategy then tailoring activity to complement your budget is Ansible's proven way to make sure you are only paying for exactly what you want and need in the most transparent and productive way.

    2. No idea is a bad idea, but we will tell you if something isn't working. "No plan survives contact with the enemy" and even the snazziest PR and marketing strategies can go awry. When you work with Ansible, it's a two-way dialogue. We're helping you to accomplish a goal and if something isn't working, we'll never pressure you to do something that doesn't help achieve that goal. Our expertise gives you the best chance of being successful, and your success depends on us being flexible, responsive, and honest; always working smartly on the good ideas.

    3. We will share our process, expertise, and biscuits with you. Modern videogame PR, marketing, and communications requires logical, bold, strategical, data-fed thinking and execution but that doesn't mean it isn't fun! When you work with Ansible, you become part of our friendly network of stars! We want you to be happy with every part of the experience, from when you sign up to when you meet your goals and beyond. It's our goal to make sure every moment is memorable for the right reasons. There will of course be biscuits and bourbon.

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