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Player XP

  • Player XP is the gaming industry’s leading AI-powered community intelligence platform. We gather and analyse Community and Player data from various sources such as Steam, Twitter, Discord, In-game chat, Forums, Zendesk, Surveys etc, and provide insights into the discussion and pain points impacting brand and game sentiment or toxicity. With automated monitoring, reporting and alerts with our customisable dashboard, users can tailor the dashboard’s visualisation to their team’s needs, and monitor internal sources or real-time conversations across social media and in-game chat. Custom alerts help notify you of changes in your game’s sentiment or volume acting as an early warning system. Our Toxicity analysis monitors your community’s well-being and safety. Player XP can help you gain global coverage of your Players by translating comments in other languages into readable data. Player XP aims to grow globally and become recognised as the gaming industry's leading AI-powered community intelligence platform. We want to promote our service to studios and developers of all sizes around the world and show how our data can help improve decision-making and bring studios closer to their communities.

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    • Business Service, Research & Data