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GamesIndustry.biz Presents - The Playable Futures Podcast, kicking off by speaking to the United Nations.

GamesIndustry.biz, Ukie and DIVA is pleased to announce the Playable Futures podcast, accompanying the successful Playable Futures articles. Like the written series, the podcast will host global games leaders sharing their visions of where the industry and medium will go next.

In the first episode, games journalist Will Freeman – a regular GamesIndustry.biz contributor – speaks to the UN Environment's Chief of Education, Youth & Advocacy, Sam Barratt, about the United Nation’s Playing for the Planet Alliance, and why the UN sees games as part of its mission’s future. 

In this wide-ranging chat, Sam reflects on how the gaming sector can use its influence to shift the world from where we are to where it needs to be. The wider creative industries are increasingly looking to games for inspiration. After all, it’s probably fair to say that gaming is now bigger than the Beatles – so why wouldn’t the world of music and film be looking to video games for a steer on how to engage their audiences?

 As a medium that inspires and engages like no other, Sam discusses how games could encourage audiences to act and make a real difference.

"In eight years' time, I'd like to see the video games industry being the greenest industry in the world," he comments "And that the players that play games are coming to it, not just to escape, but to give back as well." 

Listen to the full episode by following this link.