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Ukie Board Election 2023 Rules

The board plays an essential role in the management of Ukie, working in tandem with the organisation to help set its direction, support the team and ensure it is accountable to the industry.

The role and responsibilities of the Board

The Board is responsible for being the guardian of members’ interests.

The main duties and tasks for the board are:

  • Appointing the Ukie CEO
  • Approving the annual report and accounts
  • Electing the Chair, Vice Chair and Honorary Treasurer
  • Recommending to the AGM an appropriate auditor to be appointed
  • Determining the criteria for membership
  • Maintaining control over internal systems and delegated authorities
  • Approving the annual operating plans and budget including subscription levels
  • Being responsible for the financial position of the association
  • Establishing of the market position of the association and possible restructuring arising from any review of the same
  • Being responsible for the governance arrangements of the association
  • Agreeing the strategy of the association
  • Setting the policy priorities of the association
  • Being responsible for the framework for managing risks
  • Attending regular board meetings, hosted every six to eight weeks

Election rules

  • Only fully paid up Ukie Full Members can be elected to the Ukie Board 
  • All paid-up Full and fee-paying Partners can vote for election to the Board (one company, one vote)
  • There is only one vote per member company. Only one candidate per member company can stand for election
  • There are seven spaces to be filled this year. We strongly encourage you to exercise your voting power to vote for the seven people you want to see fill those spaces 
  • Members cannot vote for individuals in their own company or Affiliate (studios owned by a member Publisher) company
  • Board members who are successfully elected serve a two year term. Board members can serve a maximum term of six years, provided they are successfully re-elected in future elections.
  • Voting closes on Thursday 7th September at 5pm BST
  • Nominees with the most votes are duly elected to the board until the board reaches its stated capacity​ and results are announced at the AGM on Thursday 14th September. Ukie members can sign up to attend the AGM here.